Pure Water Technology & Contracting


Who we are

Pure for Water Technology and Contracting Company is a company specialized in providing studies for exploration and evaluation of underground reservoirs and drilling underground wells to extract water from the ground, taking into account the environmental dimension. The company has reached leadership in this field after years of hard work in order to provide integrated services in the field of water and environment. Pure for Water Technology and Contracting was established in 2012 by a distinguished group of university professors and consultants specialized in the field of water and environment, with the aim of providing an integrated service on an innovative scientific basis. In a short time, we were able to win the trust of our customers, and form a large base of them by dealing with them with dedication, and also because of our insistence on pursuing continuous development in the field of water technology and contracting, to ensure the provision of services with the latest technologies that are always available. We have a team with scientific, practical and administrative expertise, and our company uses distinguished young people with academic or previous business experience, which made excellence look for the name of our company to be associated with. Pure for Water Technology and Contracting includes a group of the best university professors and research centers. We work collectively with highly qualified people with long experience in the field of providing geological and environmental consultations and carrying out contracting work. The company also has a track record of successive achievements and successes with major companies that are interested in the company's field of specialization and many national projects as well as medium and small projects.

- Chairman's Message

Climate changes play a dangerous turn in changing the natural identity of many countries in terms of the spread of desertification, water shortage and environmental changes, which made human fears of water shortage not just speculation, but rather a fact that may be a cause of future wars. The Arab Republic of Egypt is one of the most water-scarce countries in the world, which necessitated taking many measures and policies aimed at rationalizing the use of water and maximizing the return from it, in addition to the use of modern technologies for optimal exploitation of underground reservoirs, rain, torrents and sea water desalination, as well as the development of the irrigation system and modernizing it to reflect on the comprehensive and sustainable development processes in the country. Groundwater is a strategic water resource and changes in quantity and quality in this source are often very slow processes, and these changes require careful monitoring and interpretation to control the effects of groundwater withdrawals that contribute to the optimal use of that water. At Pure for Water Technology and Contracting, we work side by side with our customers to achieve environmental balance and maintain and make good use of our water resources, relying on modern scientific methods and using all tools and supplies that have the highest quality standards to obtain the desired sustainable development. Our permanent goal is to reduce our impact on the environment while providing an integrated service for the client through a strategy that was developed after extensive consultations with our success partners and the institutions dealing with us. Over the years of effort and work, we aspired to be better, more advanced and of quality, and to put ourselves at the top of the field of water exploration services, drilling wells and providing integrated environmental solutions to preserve the ecosystem. Thanks to the great progress made by the company in the implementation of many projects over the years with a professional team and a client who is sure of our technical capabilities, we have become the first and permanent choice for our customers. On behalf of the Executive Board and our employees in all departments of the company, we look forward to serving you and implementing your projects needs to achieve together our goals towards a healthy future.

Chairman's Message


The message

Providing consultations and specialized studies and implementing quality contracting in the fields of water and environment in innovative scientific ways at the lowest costs, in accordance with international quality specifications, taking into account the complete satisfaction of the customer.