Our Previous Work Experience in Well Drilling

Our Previous Work Experience in Well Drilling in the North Coast

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Excavation and design of wells at the Royal Beach Resort - Fouka - North Coast
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Excavation and design of wells for the Alamein Towers project, affiliated with the alliance of Hassan Allam Company and CCC Constructions. Alamein - North Coast
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Supervision of the groundwater well drilling process for operating the Presidential Palace Desalination Plant - Alamein - North Coast, affiliated with the Drinking Water Company in Matrouh.
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Attendance and design of groundwater wells for the purpose of operating the lakes in the Heritage City project, affiliated with the alliance of Hassan Allam Company and CCC Constructions. Alamein - North Coast.
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Cleaning and development of the sewage networks in the industrial lakes, with a length of 2.5 kilometers, at the Sea Shell Resort - Middle East Company for Tourism Development - North Coast
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Excavation and design of wells for a desalination station with a capacity of 5000 cubic meters per day at Marina 2 Resort - North Coast

PureWater (Technology & Contracting)

Drilling underground wells in North Coast

1. Drilling and designing wells at Caesar Bay Resort in the North Coast.

2. Photography, evaluation, cleaning, and operation of wells at Simi Resort - Matrouh - Delta Investment Tourism Company.

3. Drilling and designing wells at Royal Beach Resort - Fouka - North Coast.

4 Drilling and designing wells at Caesar Bay - Fouka - North Coast.

5. Drilling and designing wells at Fouka Bay Resort with depths of 350 meters - Fouka - North Coast (Egypt Development Company) - Phase 2.

6 Drilling and designing wells for Al Zahour Touristic Village - Alamein - North Coast.

7. Drilling and designing groundwater wells for operating the desalination plant for the Redcon Construction Company - Alamein - North Coast.

Our Previous Work Experience in Well Drilling in Cities of the The Red Sea

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Drilling of artesian wells in the Orascom project in Makadi, Hurghada.
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Drilling and designing wells in the Arbisque Resort, Hurghada.
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Drilling, design, and production of wells for the Hilton Plaza Hotel in Hurghada, owned by the Arab Company for Investmen
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Drilling artesian wells in the Makadi Bay project in Hurghada, owned by the Traffic 2021 company.
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Supervision on the preparation and design of irrigation and drainage wells for the Blue Golf Resort - Ain Sokhna.
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Drilling artesian wells in the Soma Bay project in Hurghada, owned by the Traffic 2021 company.

PureWater (Technology & Contracting)

Drilling underground wells in Cities of the The Red Sea

1- Supply of submersible well pumps and well operation supplies for Hilton Plaza Hotel in Hurghada - which is owned by the Arab Company for Investment.

2- Drilling artesian wells in the Makadi Bay project in Hurghada, which is owned by the Traffic company for the year 2021.

3- Drilling artesian wells in the Soma Bay project in Hurghada, which is owned by the Traffic company for the year 2021.

4- Drilling artesian wells in the Klawy Safaga project, which is owned by the Traffic company for the year 2022.

5- Drilling artesian wells in the Soma Bay project in Hurghada, which is owned by the Traffic company for the year 2022.

Our Previous Work Experience in Well Drilling in delta cities

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Excavation and licensing of wells for the maintenance center of the Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Company in Al Obour (MCV).
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Drilling and designing wells for the farm of General Abdel Karim Darwish in Bani Salama - Wadi El Natrun - El Beheira.
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Supervision on the installation and operation of 2 desalination plants with a capacity of 1000 cubic meters per day each at the Ismailia Egypt for Poultry Company in Ismailia.
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Drilling and designing wells for a desalination plant with a capacity of 1000 cubic meters per day at the Kreazi Sugar Factories - Al Obour City.
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Drilling and designing wells in the Sijun Valley - The Japanese Company, El Beheira - Cities of the Red Sea.
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Excavation and design of wells for the farm of Damietta University - Wadi El Natrun - El Beheira

PureWater (Technology & Contracting)

Drilling underground wells in delta cities

1. Drilling and licensing of wells for the Maintenance Center of the Manufacturing Company for Transportation in Al Obour (MCV).

2. Supervision of the installation and operation of two desalination stations at the Ismailia Egypt Poultry Company in Ismailia with a unit capacity of 1000 m³/day.

3. Preparation of well designs for the farm of General Abdul Karim Darwish Beni Salama in Wadi El Natrun - Beheira.

4. Drilling and well design for the University Farm in Damietta - Wadi El Natrun - Beheira.

5. Supervision of drilling, design, and evaluation of wells for the Al-Rawad Slaughterhouse (Rofay) in Shbeen El Koom - Qalyubia.

6. Drilling and design of wells for a desalination station with a capacity of 1000 m³/day at Cryazy Industries - Al Obour City.

Our Previous Work Experience in Well Drilling in Cities of the Sinai Peninsula

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Drilling and designing artesian wells at the Spring Resort - Sun Rise - Sharm El Sheikh
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Supply of submersible well pumps and well operation supplies for Palm Beach Resort - Ras Sedr - South Sinai.
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Drilling and designing draw and discharge wells for a desalination plant at the Spring Resort - Sharm El Sheikh - South Sinai..
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Drilling and designing draw and discharge wells for the operation of a desalination plant at the Tiran Ana Dahab Resort - Sinai Hotels and Diving Clubs Company - Tiran - South Sinai.
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Drilling and designing draw and discharge wells for the operation of a desalination plant at the Tiran Ana Dahab Resort - Sinai Hotels and Diving Clubs Company - Dahab - South Sinai.
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Image, evaluation, experience, and operation of wells for the peacekeeping forces - North Camp Rafah.

PureWater (Technology & Contracting)

Cities of the Sinai Peninsula

1. Drilling and designing wells for Sinai Intermediary Services Company - Sharm El Sheikh.

2. Drilling and designing wells at the Spring Resort - Sun Rise - Sharm El Sheikh.

3. Inspection, cleaning, and operation of wells for Mercure Dahab Hotel - Dahab City, South Sinai.

4. Inspection, evaluation, and operation of wells at Julie Ville Resort - Sharm El Sheikh.

5. Drilling and licensing wells for the Transport Manufacturing Company in Sharm El Sheikh (MCV).

6. Drilling and designing wells for Umm Al-Julood Village - Batra Al-Aid - North Sinai.

7. Drilling and designing wells for a desalination plant at Palm Beach Resort - Ras Sedr, South Sinai.

8. Supply of submersible well pumps and well operation supplies for Palm Beach Resort - Ras Sedr, South Sinai.